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Danda shah bilawel, Punjab, Pakistan
Dr Raana Anjum

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Want To Know About Fluoroquinolones

 All About Fluoroquinilones

Do you know about Fluoroquinolones,if not,come to this blog and update yourself to this broad spectrum group of antibiotic.

The basic formula of this group of medicine is Nalidixic acid which is quinilone.Interstingly Flourine was added to quinilones and a new group of medinces was formed known as Fluoroquinilones.

From its 1st medicines to improved formula,this group is divided into 3 generations

1st Generation

Nalidixic acid
( Norfloxacin)
It is moderately effective against gram - ve bacteria. due to its less effective distribution in body,its usage is limited to uncomplicated urinary tract and prostate infections.

2nd Generation

These are active against more numbers of gram - ve bacteria,gonococcus,mycobacteria,salmonella and less number of gram+ ve cocci.


These drugs are used in
Travelers diarrhea,Typhoid fever,cystic fibrosis ,Resistant Tuberclosis,Anthrerax,in combination with other drugs like Penicillin and seflosporines and also used as alternatives og Aminoglycosides

3rd Generation 

These are active against gram + ve rods,gram + ve cocci,gram+vebascilli,streptococcal pneumonia ,chlamydophilla pneumonia.
Moxifloxacin and gemifloxacin are also effective against Anaerobic bacteria


Skin infections,Acute sinusitis,All types of pneumonia,Acute exacebation of chronic bronchitis,sexually transmitted infections,mixed infections,prostatitis and intra abdominal infections


Oral administeration is common,their bioavalibilty is good,now ciprofloxacin is also available in injectable form.


These broad sectrum antbiotics are mostl excreted through urinary tract except moxifloxacin which is also eliminated through liver

Side effects|unwanted effects

: Nausia,vomiting ,diarrhea

: Headache,dizziness

: Rarely epileptic attacks in asthamitic patients on theophyllin therapy

: Spontaneuos bleeding in patientson anticoagulant therapy

: Phototoxicity

: Tendinitis in elderly patients

: Pseudomembaranous collitis is very rare but very serious side effect may lead to death


:  pregnancy
: Children under 18 years old
: feeding mothers
: Patients on antiarrythmatic drugs
: patients on theophyline therapy

Thursday, August 25, 2022

3 Easy Way To Get Rid Of Horrible DrySocket Pain

Dry socket" a nightmare"

 Dry socket or alveolar osteitis is a painful dental condition that sometimes occurs after permanent tooth extraction. 

" dry socket"+

It appears mostly after 3 to 4 days of tooth extraction. After tooth extraction blood clot is formed which protect underline bone and nerves and heals socket but some time clot does not form or icreased fibrinolytic activity  dissolves clot earlier,or dislogment of blood clot from dental socket render it open and unprotected, healing becomes slow . Although its exact cause is not known but there are few predisposing factors are as follows described under eteology heading


1: smoking 

2: tobacco/beetle nuts chewing

3: contraceptive pills

4:  not following  post extraction care instructions 

5: use of drinking straw after extraction

6: poor oral hygiene 

7: localized infection present around extraction site

8: use of non sterilized instruments or infected needles 

9: traumatic extraction

10: low immunity of patient or medically  compromised patient


1: Worsening throbbing pain

2: fetid odor

3: bad taste 

# unhealed extraction socket

4: poorly healed extraction site

5: pain radiating to ear and neck


1: irrigation with normal saline

2: sedative dressing  like ugenol,alvogel etc

3: pain killer tablets or injections

4: warm saline or antiseptic gargles


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