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Danda shah bilawel, Punjab, Pakistan
Dr Raana Anjum
Showing posts with label oral health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oral health. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2021

5 Most Common Diseaes Of Teeth Affecting Oral Health

5 Most Common Diseases Of Teeth Affecting Oral Health

 The WHO has defined oral health as 

‘a standard of the

oral and related tissues which enables an individual to eat,

speak and socialise without active disease, discomfort 

or embarrassment and which contributes to general 


Oral health includes healthy and sound teeth and healthy soft and hard tissues of oral cavity.

Oral health is window  of general health of someone. Regular cleaning of teeth, healthy diet and avoiding unhealthily habits are key to maintain oral health.there are numbers of factors that influence oral health 

 1: irregular or bad brushing habits  ,its not only include not doing brush daily but also wrong technique of brushing 

 2: sugary diet

 3: frequent consumption of acidic beverages / foods

 4: tobacco 

 5:  beetle nuts chewing 

 6: unhealthy eating habits (irregular timing of meals, more refined foods, soft diets )

 7: hereditary factors 

 8: social status,may%20result%20in%20tooth%20extraction.

Bad oral hygiene leads to diseases of oral cavity

dental caries 
Dental caries

is most common and highly affecting quality of life, it causes severe pain,difficulty in chewing and eating, may lead to loss of tooth, uneasthetic appearance and traumatic effects on social life.

In children its effects are more dangerous as due to difficulty in eating may affect their growth, especially jaw growth which inturn develop orthodontic problems like overcrowded, irregular  teeth.

Now a days  bottlefeeding caries and rampant caries are very common,youg age caries leading to mandibular 1st molar loss most frequently is an alarming state, it needs  especial attention to educate parents that how to prevent dental caries in their kids.for this social media can play a good roll,numbers of sites  are available on Google to guide parents and patient,one of them is

Gingivitis and periodontist 


 This disease of gums due to poor oral hygiene causes swelling of gums,pain and bleeding of gums is also very common especially in developing countries, if it remains untreated leads to loss of teeth and also bone of ridges which further causes difficulties in replacement of artificial  teeth.

Oral cancers 

These are mostly cauesed by tobacco and beetlenuts chewing and included in 15 most commonly occurring cancers of body.

Dental and facial traumas 

Trauma to teeth and face is painful condition leading to affect overall health. these are mainly occur due to road traffic accidents or sports injury.

Mouth sores and ulcers

There are many types and causes of mouth sores. Mouth sores may be caused by an infection, a bodywide (systemic) disease, a physical or chemical irritant, or an allergic reaction . Often the cause is unknown. 

The most common specific causes of mouth sores are

  • Viral infections (particularly herpes simplex and herpes zoster)

  • Other infections (caused by fungi or bacteria)

  • Injury or irritating food or chemicals

  • Tobacco use

  • Drugs (particularly chemotherapy drugs) and radiation therapy

  • Systemic disorders

Some madical conditions show their early signs and symptoms in mouth 
Oral signs are frequently the first manifestation of autoimmune diseases. For this reason, dentists play an important role in the detection of emerging autoimmune pathologies. Indeed, an early diagnosis can play a decisive role in improving the quality of treatment strategies as well as quality of life. 
 Examples are lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, pemphigus vulgaris, mucous membrane pemphigoid, and Behcet disease .
The relationship between oral and general health has been increasingly recognised during the past two decades. Several epidemiological studies have linked poor oral health with cardiovascular disease, poor glycaemic control in diabetics, low birth-weight pre-term babies, and a number of other conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Oral infections are also recognised as a problem for individuals suffering from a range of chronic conditions, including cancer and infection with human immunodeficiency virus, as well as patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia

     To improve oral health and educate people for healthy and happier life World Oral Health Day is observed annually on 20 March since 2013 and launches a year-long campaign dedicated to raising global awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of oral hygiene so that governments, health associations and the general public can work together for this purpose.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dentist and online teaching

As dentistry is not all about cure oral disease but also educting patient about prevention and treatment objectives.a teaching crave is developed and i wish to teach children but due to my dental practice I cant adopt teaching as a job.I decided to fulfil my desire by teaching online . So I started to write notes and lectures on clinical and non clinical dentistry and medicine. I hope this will help students as well as practioners of dentistry and medicine 


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