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Dr Raana Anjum

Friday, November 13, 2020

Tooth morphology of maxillary central incisor

Morphology describes the shape and form of teeth.
There are two sets of teeth in human beings
1: deciduous teeth(milk teeth)
2:permanent (adualt teeth)
 According to shape and functions 4 types of teeth present in mouth
Teeth are arranged in two arches,upper and lower.
Upper arch named Maxillary arch 
Lower arch  named mandibular  arch 
Each  arch holds 16 teeth out of 32 teeth 
Each arch  is divided into two  Quardrants by midline plan


      Morphology  of central incisors

          These are towards midline and only teeth having mesial to mesial contact of two central incisors, all other teeth have contact points with mesial of one tooth and distal side of adjascent tooth .

From facial /lingual view crown  is trapazoid and from proximal view it lookslike a Wedge.mosioincisol angle is more square and disto incisol angle is round



                     Incisal view

   Root of central incisors 

All incisors have single root.
Root is cone shaped tapering gradually from cementoanemal junction to apex.
Its width mesiodistal is slightly less on lingual side
Root is one and a half times as long as a crown




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